There's a bus.....  I dunno which one, that goes from fremont to very close 
to the showbox.  we could meet there, but i dunno anyplace.  Or we could meet 
in the U-District, Pagaliacci's Pizza and the Mix Ice Cream are both good 


> OK, for listers going to the Seattle show on the 17th, i think it would be 
best to > > > meet on Capitol Hill somewheres, probably a little down the 
hill from Broadway. I > > dunno exactly where. I would say we should be real 
indie fucks and meet at the > > Cha-Cha, but i don't think y'all are 21 yet.
> Then again it's kinda far to walk downtown, but not really, i'm pretty used 
to it. I > > > dunno. Umm...Hamburger Mary's has beer an' stuff, near the 
corner of Olive and > > Summit, i think. That could be a good place to meet.
> Anybody got any ideas?
> I'm kinda opposed to Gameworks. That whole section of town pisses me off.
> ---
> -dave

"all this talkin' all the time and the air fills 
up, up, up till there's nothing left to breathe." -MM


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