obviously youre entitled to your own opinion...but man, what are you
talking about?! the new murder city is fucking awesome! the new belle and
sebastian, on the other hand, is not. youre rightabout murder city
thoughh, its totally rock and roll, thats what theyre all about. 

new sunny day, also awesome. new radio 4, yep. 

On Tue, 6 Jun 2000, Blake wrote:

> i picked it up today, ive heard most of the songs already via napster/ split 7"s/my 
>friend got the promo/shows and already knew it wasnt gonna be all that great, but i 
>bought it anyways to see the art and enhanced shit on the CD.  the art is so awsome, 
>it has pictures of all the members slaughtered from a brootal murder.  i heard the 
>first 1000 LP's come with a cutout skull stencil...but i think i'll pass...im not a 
>huge collector.  anyways, its worth hearing if your a MCD fan.  its much slower and 
>more rock n roll.  ok, i'll stop.
> ~Blake Sinclair
> p.s.  new Belle and Sebastian rock's the house too.  the album is pretty usual for 
>B&S but the last 2 songs are mind blowing.

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