well..as disheartening as it was, the best team won although we didn't go down without one hell of a fight...i still say belfour is the best goalie in hockey over the past two seasons..the guy is a machine..if we could've only had more than hull playing as well we would've kept the cup here..i'm glad this thing is finally over cause i have gone through too many linings of my stomach trying to watch this whole entire playoff year...i am kinda bummed though cause no more hockey talk for several more months now....anyone else notice that those dumb redneck dallas fans were extraordinarily gracious while acknowledging the devils' stroll around the arena with the cup?  not too shabby for a bunch of stupid rednecks.....hell when we won our cup last year we got booed and complained at by a bunch of whiners in buffalo..anyways...it was one hell of a playoff year...
until next year...
STARS IN 2001 !!!!!!!!!
-- Tour de Force, Defacto, Ayuchuco! --

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