i was at last nights show
here's my attempt at a review:
i thought they were pretty darn great.  (of course, the last time i saw them
was 2 or 3 years ago and i don't remember the show all that well, so i dont
have much to compare last nights show to).  i dragged my brother there with
me, and though he's not much of a mouse fan, he thought they were pretty
rockin' too.  we didn't stay for the whole show though (bad mouse fans!),
but i'm going to the santa cruz show on wednesday so i figured it would be
okay to leave a bit early.  we were standing in the back most of the time,
and my brother was witness to the fact that every tall guy in the place
stands right in front of lil ol 5'3" me.  i did somehow manage to get a
clear view of isaac though, so that was pretty cool.  i was happy that they
opened with trailer trash, i figured the show could only get better from
then on, and i think it did.  right as we were leaving isaac was babbling
about some 15 minute drum solo, which im kind of sorry i had to miss.  if i
hadn't have had to drive back to san jose to be at work this morning, i
would have stayed for the whole show.
i have a vague idea of what the setlist was.  they opened with trailer
trash, truckers atlas, broker was in there somewhere, polar opposites,
custom concern, doin' the cockroach, neverending math equation, there were a
couple of new songs, but since i havent heard the new album yet i didnt know
what they were.  that's about all i can remember.
wow, some review, eh?


----- Original Message -----
From: "K a t e M e r c i e r" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, June 13, 2000 6:40 AM
Subject: [MMouse]: Sunday/Monday Recap from SF

> The shows were great, with a third tonight.  I'm not going tonight,
> because I think I might just wind up hurting someone.  The tone of
> last night's show was a little more calculated on the Mouse's part, a
> little more juvenile on the audience's part and although still a good
> set, a little blah.  Not to mention that I was sooper shell-shocky
> last night, running into ghosts from about every room in my past.
> Sunday, however, Modest Mouse fucking rocked the house.  Or so I
> thought.  But, also, I was drinking (drunk?) and at the front of the
> stage in front of Isaac.  I talked to him a couple times, and I just
> have to say this:
> 1)  Isaac, in my opinion, is getting noticeable less unattractive.
> in fact, even if he describes himself as monkey-shaped, and even if i
> have a long and obvious history of crushing on lead singers, i was
> digging him.
> 2)  Oh my god, the lisp.  On my friend Jeff's request, I asked Isaac
> if he liked Lou Reed and I AM NOT KIDDING, the Monkey Boy replied:
> "Uh, yeah, I mean, I think he hath thome good thongth and thome bad
> thongth."  Little hearts kinda bugged out of my eyes when he said
> that.  I am such a sucker for a well-placed speech impediment.  I
> mean, I like limps, too, but not if they're all phony.  Scars, a
> little bit, too.
> 3)  I was close enough that I could ask questions without having to
> yell.  This came in handy when he did a little smart alecky speech
> and I asked:  "Why are you so sarcastic?  Why are you so cynical?"
> Until he answered me, "Aw, I'm just kidding around."  So was I.
> Maybe he didn't catch the happiness in my voice.
> 4)  Tried tried tried to figure out what the FUCK he's yelling about
> in the end of Neverending Math Equation.  Does anyone know?  Please?
> Last night was even harder, even though i was sober.  He kept
> singing:  "Well, he said he said he said he said.  He said He said He
> Said He said..." which didn't help my quest for those lyrics.
> 5)  Jeremiah is  ripping drummer!  He holds back on records, or is
> held back.  But he's good.  Oh yeah, and I like how MM used to be a
> three piece but is now a five piece, and the other doods are
> invisible.  Weird.
> 6)  Why am I numbering still?  This is dumb.  Oh, this girl who gave
> me a nasty case of the guff during Califone later was thrown out of
> the show for getting into a fight.  It took two bouncers to drag one
> screaming and fighting girl out of the club.  She was not big.  Drunk
> makes you taller, I think.  Last night, there were Three Slutty
> Chicks on E, sitting on the stage, who were great fun to watch.
> 7)  I'm glad I voted for Morgan on the Cute Girls List.  She's just
> as adorable in person.  And, likewise for Mr. Taylor Antrim, who
> reminds me that he's been on the list for YEARS.  He's adorable, too,
> even if he likes Bratmobile.  Those are the only listers I saw.  Who
> else was there?
> i love yew (trees),
> kate
> p.s.  hahaha, to leigh channeling the Chipmunks through Modest Mouse.
>  that was leigh, wasn't it?  That's like when I taped an hour and
> half conversation with Cat Power before realizing that it didn't
> tape.  You try rebuilding Chan Marshall's non-sequitors (sp?) from
> memory.  It's hard.
> =====
> /// ... naked if i want to ...  ///
> ::: http://www.zyworld.com/k8mercier/k8.htm :::
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