Yeah, read this article and listen to her bitch for ten pages about how she
doesn't want to be a "sharecropper" anymore and would rather be a waitress
in the high glamour world of the service industry.  Its an epiphany a minute
I tell you! Just because she's famous doesn't give her the right to have a
baseless opinion.  She is in *no* position to make demands, which is
something she obviously has no grasp of. She will constantly be working for
other people if she wants to make money as an "artist" wether it be for
providing "content" (which she hates) or making albums for a major (which
she also hates). Copyright is a gift, and if you think that by taking it
back that were going to create some "culture drain" in America, I'd like to
know where exactly this culture would be draining from.  I found this
article annoying, and at times offensive.

Bleib Immer Locker.

i'm not a big fan of Courtney Love's music, but I thought this (long)
speech by her was brilliant.  even if you hate her, or hate
Metallica, or get tired of hearing her talk, I suggest you read this.
 Especially if you are a musician.  really, it's worth reading the
whole thing.

p.s.  now that the Mouse is on a major, it's of even more interest.

here's the link:

love, kate

/// ... naked if i want to ...  ///
::: :::

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