>  is anyone else equally disgusted by the gap as they are by a & f? do you

> know where these clothes are made? do you know that the employers of
> stores MAKE the employees wear the absolute latest items that they carry
> they dont even get a good discount on them? do you know that the
> have lists of phrases that they have to say to all of the customers? im
> to preach but i just dont understand paying hundreds of dollars to look
> everyone else, "quality" or not.

actually uhm i talked to a guy who used to work at the gap when i was at
the store one time.  he told me that they DO get pretty decent discounts at
least here in illinois ;)  i dunno what gap you've been to but all they
ever say to me is "hi.  can i help you with something?"  uhm..the people
here are pretty down to earth.  it might be because my mom talks to them
like a female michael moore which makes them bitch about working there, but
they're down to earth and they don't use any lame lingo.  and mind you,
looking like everyone else is sort of what i'm all about!   i know that
sounds bad, but i had my chance to be "different" in jr. high and now i'd
like to try something where people don't call me crackwhore and try and run
me over.  besides, the gap clothes that i wear aren't even very
fashionable.  i buy really straight cut things that you probably wouldn't
think are from the gap.
so with that said, go into the gap and talk to the employees there before
you start ranting to me - someone who already has done this.
thank you,

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