> woah...hold on.
> You shop at the Gap. You listen to Modest Mouse. If you head Modest Mouse
in the Gap, you would feel offended and as if "theres no place [for you] to
go anymore" without hearing them?

i understand that you think it makes no sense.  when i look at it it
doesn't make sense either.  it's hypocritical of me and i know that, but
it's how i feel.  selfish enough as that may be.  the thing is, i've never
seen any kids from my school at the gap, so i guess that's why i feel the
way i do.  most of the kids at my school like abercrombie and finch i
i don't like the gap as a corporation.  i like the gap as a clothing store.
 if i heard modest mouse there i'd be mad because the gap corporation would
have had something to do with that, not the gap clothing store and that
disgusts me.
did i say that there'd be no place for me to go anymore without hearing
them?  if i said that that's not what i meant.  what i meant was that if
modest mouse became all the rage, there'd be pretty much nothing left for
me to like without kids who loathe me and vice versa already liking.  i
don't wanna have modest mouse associated with a girl who sent me death
threats...i think for me it's more of a personal issue than anything else
because of stuff that happened to me.  i just would really hate to see
people around here liking modest mouse.  it's not a good thought at all.

Why should it be a problem for me if two aspects of my life (and not
embarrassing, painful thing; two things I feel alright about) collide? And
it shouldn't be about keeping things to ourselves. 

oh dear god no, i didn't mean that two parts of our life shouldn't collide.
 i don't think that at all.  the thought of the kids around here listening
to modest mouse just scares the fuck out of me basically...and the kids in
central illinois are a lot alike ;)  my mom calls them the "east-central
illinois girls" because they all look about the same.
i guess i took my personal feelings about where i've been for the past four
years and made it into a bigger thing than it was, which was wrong of me so
i apologize.
i'd just feel really awkward if - even if i do shop at the gap - modest
mouse were on a cd that gap employees had to listen to every day for a
month straight because that would turn modest mouse into ugh...just
something really bad that i can't quite place my finger on.  but it would
be gross and bad ;)
- amy

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