hmmm....  well, i guess it could have been in 1987 that i was in SF on Monday watching 
people mosh to modest mouse.  to think of it, it does seem like more than 4 days ago, 
yeah, it was13 years ago.  But wait, punk rock 101?  um, i could take that, and learn 
all about up and coming bands like outtaline, and stunt monkey, and the likes (i think 
ive had this elitest punk rock discussion on air on my punk radio show a few too many 
times to discuss it here now), but last i heard (Despite what the SF Examiner sez) MM 
is not punk.  I think they are generally, or were now that they are on epic, referred 
to as "the number one indie band in the world."  then again, maybe i cannot tell the 
difference.  indie, punk, indie, punk?  i dunno, im from seattle.  we have music.  who 
cares if its indie or punk.  but it seems to matter here in CA, cuz people talk shit 
about one another.  I enjoy talking shit about both because I am both.  and, speaking 
of santa cruz moshers, i saw violent femmes !
there 4 months ago.  moshing.  i saw sunny day real estate there 9 months ago.  
moshing.  and i dont even mosh anymore.  but its the MOUSE.  they should have shown 
respect.  then again, much like the "elitest" punkers, im an "elitest" mouser.  i love 
my mouse and nobody will fuck with them.  except maybe the murder city devils, whom 
should stop.  thats all.
  - cameron

>yeah cameron, the crowd was bad. waddya expect this is surf city. moshing >was cool 
>in 1987, but as ian mackaye says " find a new dance it's 1995 for 
>chrissakes.." dramamine was pretty amazing, but yeah the crowd was >pretty 
>unimaginative. Maybe im just a jaded oldtymer, but sometimes i think >you kids need 
>to enroll in a class called punk rock 101, and learn some >history. i dont know. 

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