yeah i'v ebeen in there once or twice...and word is he lieks young
boys...apparently the "cute" you are the btter deal you get..i guess i
failed..about two years ago i went in there to buy a cd that came out that
day that i had to have and i was in a hurry and he broke it off in me for
17.99..i guess he didn;'t like me..oh well...haven't been back since..

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Friday, June 23, 2000 12:02 AM
Subject: [MMouse]: Re: Bill's records

Yikes! Bill's records.  My buddy Jay who went to see Modest 
Mouse with me in Dallas took me there one time.  He had a whole 
box of Nirvana records, untouched.. sealed.  But I couldn't bring 
myself to take it to him and have him look me over and give me a 
price just so I could go and put it back up again.  I didn't buy a 
single thing. That bastard.

Good record store though.
> I'm  with you, Russ.  This reminds me of that guy Bill that owns Bill's 
> Records in Dallas, and doesn't price his records on the label, but instead

> just looks at you and decides if he likes you and charges accordingly.  I 
> hope the IRS or somebody busts his sorry ass.  Fair sales to all people,
> equal prices charged to all.

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