my only hangup with other people liking music that i deem "shitty" is when
they are stubborn and ignorant as to feed me a line such as "if your band is
so good how come nobody has heard of them?"  or shit like "if they are so
good and my band sucks how come your band isn't on the radio" or even worse,
"don't you think there are so many people who listen to mainstream radio
cause it's better music"....i have no problem with poeple not liking my
bands, or people liking shitty groups, (even though i usually don't hesitate
to tell them i don't like a particular band), my only problem is somebody
hell bent on the crap they listen to and telling me i'm wrong for thinking a
band is crappy when they haven;'t even heard the bands i
justifiable is it to dislike someone's music when you haven't even heard
it??  yet, when you have heard what they like, and you obviously have heard
what you like and can discern which is better then you ought to be entitled
to a fairly educated opinion about your preferences of bands....
just my 2 cents..

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