there are a lot of people who don't spell perfectly.  that doesn't mean they're stupid.  my bet is that they were just too lazy to spell check.
>From: Rachel  White <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Re: [MMouse]: Liner notes
>Date: Mon, 26 Jun 2000 14:37:44 -0700 (PDT)
>MIME-Version: 1.0
>Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
>Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
>--I'm pretty sure they meant to spell everything wrong.  They're not that
>Ya, a lot of albums have done that and I think they do that just to piss off
>the obsessive people who NEED to know every last word, and aren't satisfied
>with their own interpretation..........
>just my take on it, though

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