> Subject: Re: [MMouse]: 3 year olds buying for Skrewdriver?
> << roll your eyes if you have
>  to sell the freaking nsync cd. you're only gonna make them
> want
>  it more if you deny them. and i just ignore and hang up the
>  phone on ppl who ask for skrewdriver. you'd think they'd know
>  where to get a hold of that shit...>>

> im not trying to start with the one person who wrote this 
that would be me...
> but there are so 
> many messages liek this one in my mailbox and i want to say
> where the fuck do 
> you get off rolling your eyes at people liking nsync
 obviously you didn't get the gist of my post. while i didn't
emphasize that we shouldn't judge ppl based on what they listen
to (OR how they dress OR their politics OR anything else for
that matter; we judge ppl based on superficial things everyday
of our lives, it's a fact of life) like some other ppl did, i do
have a problem with ppl deciding what ppl can and can't buy.
*IF* the person who thinks he's god behind the cash register has
a problem with someone buying something he likes or dislikes, he
needs to "roll his eyes" and then sell the freaking cd. 

> where the fuck 
> do you honestly get of ahhhhhhhhh just becasue some people can
> never be happy 
> at simple things becasue there ugly or werent popular in high
> school or anything you cant change 
> it doesnt make you better than the good lookign people just
> because you roll your eyes at their music 
> there is nothign wrong with getting joy out of simple things
> and modest mouse 
> is no better than nsync and no worse theyre both music and
> they both have merits and fanbases 

excuse me? what good looking ppl are you talking about? because
i don't remember any being mentioned

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