i am reading the coolest book ever right now.  i dunno if anyone mentioned
this, but if not, everyone must go out and get this book.  it's called "the
return of modesty" which is like an updated miss manners except sooooooo
much better.
"the return of modesty" by wendy shalit so far has given me hope for the
future.  there was a time when i felt alone in this world as a girl until i
read this book.  basically, at least from what i can tell thus far, the
book is about how female liberation has only oppressed the female gender in
the long run because now we've given males the ability to have more control
of things by being so...open..  it also gives some fresh insights about how
modesty isn't all that bad, and girls shouldn't feel 'weird' about being
modest.  god i love this book, EVERYONE GO GET THIS BOOK.  this, ugh..this
is the prime example of why i'm glad to be a jew ;)  i dunno, i just
thought i was always alone about not wanting to discuss my 'girly issues'
and apparently i'm not.
as for other good books:
the geography of nowhere
shot in the heart
in cold blood
the great gatsby
and hmm that's all i can think of for now, but i'd like to read the anatomy
of love.
- amy

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