Speaking of Minor Celebrity Sightings, here are mine for this week:

1) Fred Savage, yelling at a plain looking girl, at a staged reading starring Ben 
2)Teck out of Real World Hawaii, in Starbucks
3) Brittney Spears' back up dancers, getting thier hair done as a group (and not 
tipping the shampoo girl) at the salon I work at. 

I find it comical that no one who lives in LA ever has actual encounters with real 
celebritys, only minor ones. Like, my sister saw Bruce Willis driving today, but its 
The Chick From Species who lives on our street...


In a message dated Thu, 13 Jul 2000 10:09:04 PM Eastern Daylight Time, 

oh, and a moment of greatness for me: i was at frye's (a huge electronics 
superstore sort of place in southern california), and i saw none other than 
michael j anderson, the little guy from "twin peaks: fire walk with me."  he 
spoke backwards to me!  it was amazing.


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