I love Bright Eyes. (I'm 21, by the way) Putting into words everything I love 
about them seems almost impossible, but I'll try.

I love all that emotion...Conor rocking back and forth while singing and 
almost falling off his chair, in tears? I think thats brilliant. Lots of 
bands seem to lack emotion and they just play their instruments because 
that's what they're used to doing.  It's not that way with Bright Eyes, 
though. And for being 20, his songwriting is incredible. Shit, it's good no 
matter how old he is. Just think what he'll be able to write once he's older 
and more experienced (in life, not so much in music).  Music is all about 
emotion for me, and Bright Eyes puts pure emotion on record better than 
almost anyone. 

Not to mention the music is quite fucking good. 

Five days till bright eyes in boston. anyone else going?

haligh haligh,

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