> OK, here's the question that will probably make me look really stupid but
> that's nothing new.....
> I love Nader to death and would LOVE it if, in my perfect world, he
> our next president.  But, that's not going to happen.  It's basically up
> us to choose the lesser of two evils.  This is where I'll probably piss a
> lot of you off, but isn't voting Nader this time (where the race is
> close) like wasting an anti-Bush vote?  If I vote Nader, that's one less
> vote that helps Gore defeat Bush, and I sure as hell don't want another
> to be president.  I know the electoral college......blah blah
> still ????

no, you're completely right.  in fact, this is one of the most intelligent
emails that i've read ever.  nader is doing pretty well at this point, but
not good enough so that he'd get more votes than gore; thus indirectely
giving bush the votes to win.  i love nader, i'm even trying to get an
internship in washington dc to work on the campaign.  he's the underdog,
though, and people aren't gonna give him more votes than they do to bush or
gore because they aren't familiar with him as a 'left wing' or a 'right
wing' candidate.  people - especially americans - are shallow when it comes
to politics.  i've heard people say that they like bush because he's a real
'go-getter' like 'part of the football team!'  well WOW, i guess that makes
him the best choice for the oval office, right?  doesn't stop a lot of
americans.  oh well.  the point is that we need to avoid letting bush into
office, and sadly the only way we can do that is by giving someone who
isn't completely insane the vote.  besides, i don't think gore is *that
bad.*  he may be boring (which he's not, i've never thought that) but at
least he's not a fucking COKE HEAD.
now on to the second part of the e-mail:  my new radio show.
ok, well today was the first radio show i did and uhmm if any of you were
listening, i'd like to know what you thought.  be brutal, please.  my
friend (co-host/best friend) and i couldn't listen to it so we weren't even
sure if we were broadcasting ;)  any suggestions or anything would be
thanks and please vote for gore :/

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