one thing everyone seems to be forgetting is that if nader gets 15% of
the vote, his party (the green party) gets automatic funding for the next
election, which would help the green party out tremendously and allow
them to run elections in the future that they have a better chance of
winning. . .nader may not win, but votes for nader will certainly not be
wasted. . .and if we can get him into the debates, he actually does have
a chance of winning. . .in order to get him into the debates, he needs to
be at 15% or we need to get about 40,000 nader supporters to show up at
the debates and demand that he be allowed to debate. . .


On Wed, 26 Jul 2000 15:31:33 -0700 (PDT) Rachel  White
> OK, here's the question that will probably make me look really stupid 
> but
> that's nothing new.....
> I love Nader to death and would LOVE it if, in my perfect world, he 
> became
> our next president.  But, that's not going to happen.  It's 
> basically up to
> us to choose the lesser of two evils.  This is where I'll probably 
> piss a
> lot of you off, but isn't voting Nader this time (where the race is 
> pretty
> close) like wasting an anti-Bush vote?  If I vote Nader, that's one 
> less
> vote that helps Gore defeat Bush, and I sure as hell don't want 
> another Bush
> to be president.  I know the electoral college......blah blah 
> blah......but
> still ????
> I feel guilty not voting Nader this time, so ya'll feel free to try 
> and set
> me straight.  My conscience needs to be at
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