In a message dated 07/27/2000 11:52:45 AM Mountain Daylight Time, 

<< how so?  if you aren't in favor of any of the candidates should you vote 
 someone just for the sake of feeling obligated to vote???  now thats sad...
 -- Tour de Force, Defacto, Ayuchuco! --
 chris >>

Bravo!  Never, never, NEVER vote lesser of two evils.  Vote ONLY for someone 
you truly believe in.  Gore has enraged me so much with his opinion on Elian 
and his out-hawk opinion vs. Bush on nukes and NMD weapons, when people tell 
me my vote for Nader might help get Bush elected, I answer, "Like I fucking 

Loring Wirbel
Monument, Colo.

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