>From: Jill Price <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: the white stuff
>Date: Sun, 30 Jul 2000 18:02:38 -0500

>OH COME ON!  hate bush if you want, but please, hate him for >something
>other than the one thing the media grabbed and shoved down our >throats.
>what if the guy did a little nose candy back in the day?  not only that,
>it's just silly to form opinions based on what the media digs up and
>eventually becomes jay leno monologue fodder.  that's like dwelling >on the
>many gore-isms that people are always sending me. let me refresh >your

>"I was recently on a tour of Latin America, and the only regret I have >was
>that I didn't study Latin harder in school so I could converse with >those
>      --Vice President Al Gore

sorry to bust ya..while I don't keep a compendium of that every politician
has said, I swear that I remember former VP Quayle saying the SAME thing
while on a very embarrassing tour there.  I also remember that he bought a
little doll with an exagerated penis, and appartently he thought that was
super funny exposing it to members of his wife and entourage.

I've seen this before where the right-wing jokesters (an oxymoron? or just
plain morons? - okay PJ O'Rourke is cool) who have attributed some of the
many Quayle gaffs and goofs and attributed them to the current veep.

Oh yeah...the obvious reason why "the media" keep on harping on Bush about
his coke addict days is because he's never really directly addressed it, or
his daddy's help in getting him into the Texas Nat'l Guard.  The right-wing
super patriots can call Clinton a draft dodger all you want, but he was
cagey enough to do it all by himself.  Meanwhile, Junior had to get a boost
from his daddy on every rung of the ladder that he's climbed. Somehow, the
super patriots like to shut-up and salute when it's "their boy."

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