<<<first, i have nothing against gay people.  second,
i have nothing against gay people.  third, I HAVE
don't get why gay people would wanna have kids and b)
don't think it would be healthy for a baby to try and
understand at a young age.  i don't think gay people
are bad, i like gay people, I'VE MET MANY GAY PEOPLE
IN MY DAY.  i just don't think it'd be healthy for a
child to try and understand at such a young age. 
other kids aren't going to respond well to it, and you

can think i'm the most close fucking minded person in
the world but it's like naming your child melvin and
setting little ol' melvin into a jr. high. 
it's not gonna be pretty until everyone grows up and
learns that some people choose to do this.  the world
is overpopulated as fuck right now, and i think
adoption is great, but i really don't see how that can
be healthy for a young child. it's nothing against
minorities, and i think you have a lot of nerve 
for putting it in that context...but that seems to be
something you do best. all of you can ignore me, but i
think i have a damn good point.
- amy>>

a) amy, one thing i have realized is that you don't
get a lot of things. And for something you don't
understand (quote: "i just a) don't get why gay people
would wanna have kids"), you seem to attempt to make
such a strong opinions about it.  I think it's time
that you finally admit that you open your trap to
voice all these opinions that just as well could come
out of your ass, way too often.  b) There is nothing
harmful or unhealthy about a child being raised by a
same sex couple.  They are more likely to be raised as
a much more open minded person.  And if it is the
other kids who you think will be so torturous to these
kids, it's only because the other kids had a parent
like someone like you who didn't teach their children
to be open minded about things like that. And kids are
most likely all going to be picked on for one thing or
another anyway.  Leigh (god bless her), wasn't saying
you had anything against black people either, she was
saying that what you are saying about gay couples is
just as bad.  And what Leigh does best isn't use
things out of context, but dirty mouth to get her
point across twice as well.  I'm not wasting anymore
of my engery on you for now... so in closing, amy,
this is the worst opinion of yours yet.

               bringing amy & her computer down,

"i think i have a damn good point." -- amy

.she says lets do it again.

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