> From: "amy and her computer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: to star
> "nothing i say has anything to do with how i personally feel,
> just think
> that it would be really hard for a kid to go through and the
> other kids wouldn't necessarily understand it."

as my screwed up dad likes to say: "there you go thinking
again". who gives a fuck about what other kids understand? i
don't know what it feels like to be raised in a single parent or
gay family, but i would choose either if it meant being loved
and cared for instead of screwed over by my straight dad who
abused drugs and stuck around and did not work or contribute to
the marriage/family in anyway, leaving my mom to work her ass
off, raise my brother and i into the decent human beings we are,
no thanks to him. and my mom tells me when i was 20 "i didn't
leave him because i didn't want you to have a broken home".
well, ya know what? my home was "broken" by the fact that i
lived in fear of verbal and physical abuse by my dad, and my mom
did nothing to get us all out of that situation. hows that for
something other kids don't understand? do you think my friends
understood why we were evicted so many times when my mom
couldn't pay the rent? why my dad didn't have a job? why i never
invited them over to my house? i'd take a single mom or gay
parents any day over this, as long as i was loved and cares for
and my developmental needs were taken into account over an
adults addiction.
 ps. sorry i had to bring up all my shit, but i think Amy needs
to see that straight marriages/families are not necessarily any
better than any other kind.

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