which reminds me of an episode of a recent episode of Lyricists Lounge
(Oh yes, dont deny it,bad comedy performed in the form of rap mixed
with super star rappers such as Crazy-Bone, and DMX, and then throw in
some shitty freestyle rappin at the end, its the ingredients for
amazing TV) The parents insisted that there son was gay signing him up
for ballet lessons and such when he wasnt, they thought everyone else
has someone gay in their family so it must be him, the thing is the
parent were white and he was black, they adopted him so they could
have a little black kid in their family.....

and shit, i forget who said it but yesterday someone said something to
the effect of white trash arent responsible enough to cover their
cock, so the rest of us shouldnt have babies and adopt theirs, what
the fuck is that? My reward for not being white trash is not gonna be
years and years of jerking off in the corner on a greensweat shirt.
And if its gonna be trailer=babies and responisblity=adopt then gimme
the shittiest trailer money can buy cause i want the freedom to plant
my sperm in a nice little egg and not get shit for it

dusty does indeed rock the casbah


> that reminds me of the mr. show episode where the parents "out"
> their son who isn't really gay. and they hire that male hooker for
> him and they're like "go on rodriguo... gay him up". uhhh.. I guess
> you had to see it.
> On 3 Aug 2000, at 9:18, Philip Smoker wrote:
> > I was watching a tape last night of Bob Odenkirk and
> > David Cross appearances on various television
> > programs, and one (I think it was a Conan bit)
> > featured David telling a story about how he likes NYC
> > because he can go have breakfast in any one of the
> > little villages around the city, whether it's
> > chinatown or the italian section or the gay
> > neighborhoods.  So he says, "the other day I decide
> > I'm going to have a gay breakfast, and I go into the
> > gay restaurant and order eggs and bacon and toast.
> > And they bring me out eggs and bacon and toast.  I
> > couldn't believe it!  I mean, THEY eat what WE eat!  I
> > thought they would at least gay it up or something!"
> >
> > They truly are comic geniuses.  Truly.
> >
> >
> > someone said:
> > "there is no need for a movement promoting one
> > sex when at this point in time the sexes are equal..."
> >
> > Wow, where do you live exactly?  As much as I want
> > something like this to be true, it simply is not.
> >
> > that's all I've got to say about it,
> > *phiL*
> >
> >
> >
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