Wow. I'm blown away. Where are you from?
--- amy and her computer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
\well that's good..i was brought up by
> a single mom, and the
> thing is that that, unfortunately, it also not a
> taboo anymore..regardless

UNFORTUNATELY not a taboo? 

> because that's not how i feel.  my point is that
> other kids aren't going to
> understand, and homosexuals should keep that in mind
> before they either
> adopt (i personally feel this is the better way to
> go...) or have test tube

Yr point is that YOU don't understand, and you HOPE yr
not the only one.
> is a risky thing to get into.  it's much more normal
> for a mom and dad to
> be found in bed together than your two homosexual
> parents.
what? Do you mean, breeders have more sex than gay
couples? And as such its risky for gay couples to have

> nothing i say has anything to do with how i
> personally feel, 

Maybe thats the problem, then. I find this ignorant
statement - angry list rebuttal - ignorant defense
spiel that keeps happening boring and confusing. Yr
talking now because you were attacked, not because you
care. And you were attacked because yr 14 and
sheltered and don't know any better. You are now
reclaiming yr speeches as "hypothetical" to try to win
over some of the people who now think yr a prick, and
that just looks silly, but since I also suspect you
have no understanding of the weight of yr comments (as
I've said, I suspect you are very young and from a
small or at least very conservative town), its a bit
silly for the entire list to try to reprimand you.


Karina M. Longworth, Esq.
(312) 310-0217
2131 North Kedzie
Chicago, IL 60647

"Too smart to be a pop star, not smart enough not to be."

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