Anyone watch any of the RNC yesterday? Sickening, I know. As we're watching
it my roommate tells me he isn't voting to make a fucking statement.
What....that he, along with the rest of the US's apathetic 18-20something
"adults", is going to contribute to the election of g-dubya-b for prez?  I
was seriously getting scared watching last night, b/c the possibility of him
getting elected is all too real. He's so fucking stupid and sad and sorry,
but people buy into his whole image. Like, the mariachi and gospel music in
the backround....give me a freaking break! But, that's exactly how he's
getting the black and latino votes. If I were black or latino I would be so
insulted and appalled that GWB thinks he can get my vote that way; that I'm
too stupid to see his track record and underlying evilness. I don't know
what's worse....that he uses cheap maneuvers like ethnic music to gain
popularity, or that the voting population buys into it. I guess what I'm
trying to say is PLEASE VOTE!!!! Don't make us suffer through 4-8 yrs of ol'
snake eyes just to make a statement about US politics. Ya, it (our political
climate) definitely does suck, but which is worse?

OK, for my token MM comment. The first MM song I ever heard was Dukes Up --
I came home one day and my brother was playing along with it. The next day I
went out and bought my first MM album. The rest is MM addiction
grew from there much like you boys' dicks grow reading about Leigh's

Say Bye to Slow Internet!

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