yeah!  i know what i am getting myself for my birthday!!

hey lucas man, i heard you like went out to 

vegas and married a mobsters wife and now you 

have a hit on you and stuff, is that true?

not entirely true

On Thu, 10 Aug 2000 02:39:50   Barb B. wrote:
>the new Radiohead album is called KID A.  They have been joined again by 
>producer Nigel Godrich, who also produced OK Computer.  the release dates 
>Japan - Sept. 27
>Europe & Australia - Oct. 2
>US & Canada - Oct. 3
>01. Everything In Its Right Place
>02. Kid A
>03. The National Anthem
>04. How to Disappear Completely
>05. Treefingers
>06. Optimistic
>07. In Limbo
>08. Idioteque
>09. Morning Bell
>10. Motion Picture Soundtrack
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