Hey JS, in response to your belief about things being "scripted" you are
very right on. The following is absolutely true: I know this guy whose
sister was picked to be on this MTV "Fashion Makeover" cheesy show  where
some so called "fashion professionals" make-over kids to look "better"
somehow. It originally aired towards the beginning of Summer. Well anyways,
this gal was confronted by some MTV scouts at Disneyworld and they asked her
to be on this show.

The funny thing is that, if you ever watch this episode, it is presented as
though the whole thing  is a "surprise". The MTV crew comes to her college,
enters this auditorium, where all these other students are, and "surprises"
her saying that they are going to give her a makeover, right then and there
(whoopdeeedoo!!!). All of the students appear surprised as well and everyone
is clapping, etc. Well, her brother told me that the MTV crew totally told
everyone what they were going to do and that they should "act surprised"
etc. In other words, the whole thing was scripted....

To get off this subject, I saw that someone had "Dirty Three" listed on a
playlist or something. They are one of my favorite bands out there. They
almost seem to defy definition, as they don't easily fit into any typical
"indie" or "instrumental" category. Are any of you into any other good
"instrumental" bands? I've heard of Tortoise, but have never actually
"heard" them. Peace out y'all...


P.S.  In the immortal words of David, as Dany has quoted:
"Come on Be My Baby Tonight
   Come on Be My Baby Tonight
  I Know how you treated other thugs
   Come on Be My Baby Tonight"

             (Great Lyrics, you must admit....)

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