--I must say as much as I would like to see Fat Albert, what I really want
is a pudding pop.  Can you believe they stopped making those
wonderfultreats?  I can still remember the taste.  

no kidding.  i had all but forgotten about the pudding pop.  those were so
damn good.  now i'm really craving one.  i wonder what the next best thing
is.  i'm not a fan of the fudgecicle--so harsh compared to the gentle,
creamy goodness of the pudding pop.  perhaps a dreamcicle (is that even
what they're called?), but i'm not wild about orange flavored treats.  
        i always hate when somebody brings up reading and asks for some
recommendations.  i have plenty, but you have to be so damn esoteric and
obscure to win friends and influence people. currently i'm reading the
latest david sedaris book, 'me talk pretty one day.'  now be forewarned,
this isn't for you readers out there who fancy yourself erudite.  it isn't
heavy literature, riddled with layers of meaning and beautiful prose, but
it is some funny shit.  i've been laughing out loud and i just don't do
that. another one of my favorite authors is T.C. boyle.  he's a
contemporary writer who writes obscure 'a day in the life' type stories and
certainly isn't what scholars would call 'brilliant,' but i sure enjoy
him--particularly his collections of short stories.

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