On Wed, 16 Aug 2000, Chris Stratton wrote:

> the mono feature...seems to me that if you could increase the recording time
> significantly by using mono, that would be the way to go..i mean you really
> hear ultimately one sound when your standing there listening to it
> anyway...how stereo could it really be??  looking into some equipment so i
> would like to know..

If you plan on doing any editing to the recording, go for it in stereo.
I've taped some shows off the soundboard where the right channel has
'clipped' and the left channel is fine. Afterwards, you can just mix the
left channel into both channels so you dont have a flawed recording. 10
seconds of mono is better than one loud pop or scratch.

In audience tapes, I can tell the stereo.. Usually one channel will record
2 to 4 decibels than the other channel. So if some drunk is yelling on
your right, the left will barely pick it up.


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