What UP Records told me (Britt):

Hey Jacob

Here's what I have learned (directly quoting an email I received).

"I should have the tickets in the stores by Monday.  There are 3 ticket 
locations...Dallas (good records), Mid Cities (CDX), Ft. Worth
(CD Tradeworld) and I will have some here for people in Denton. "

Hope that helps
Take care

I'm being somewhat gracious and sending this on to the MM list... ;)

so, um, if there's no way of ordering these by phone or online ("will call" 
type of thing), could I please somehow arrange paying for these by mail-- 
through some nice person??

also, ask these ticket vendors if I can order them by phone or something... 
for I live in Oklahoma, and I know at least 15 or so people who would love 
to go to this show.


Thanks if you can help,

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