I guess I haven't heard the ATDI album where they
attempt to rap.  I'll have to keep an eye [or ear] out
for that.

I saw "The Cell" today.  The best I can say for it was
that I wasn't ever bored.  Most of the acting was
Keanu level.  Should have spent more time on that
rather than the visuals; some of which were actually
cool.  But most of it was pretty unoriginal and
derivative of Tool/NIN/Danzig videos I have seen. 
Which is interesting because this guy directed the REM
"Losing My Religion" video.  One scene even includes a
rip-off of Damien Hirst [the horse scene].  If you get
off on cheesy crucifiction and religious imagery for
the sake of "art", then I guess this is for you. 
Frankly, I think the concept is a tad played out.

Vincent "Private Pile" D'Onofrio was pretty good. 
Everyone else ranged from weak to satisfactory.

Looks like I'm 80% on the D-Plan/LSF show in Chicago. 
Tickets have been procured.  Now I just need to knock
over a few liquor stores for air fare.


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