>>Did anyone see the BTS show on saturday night? In seattle. At the
>>I couldn't get in. It was sold out. I was so mad. Did anyone see it? Did
>>anyone record it!!!? Please....someone.
>>Neil Johnston

I saw BTS both Friday (pier) and Sat.  The pier show was disappointing
being that the crowd was excessively talking.  And I'm sorry to report
that on Sat. at the early show (which was great to begin with), but on
steps idiot Calvin Johnson (Halo Benders) and it almost totally
deteriorated.  He was singing way too loud and no one bothered to turn him
down.  And he decided to make more than a spectacle of himself on stage: 
dancing, swinging the mic around (even more than Bob Pollard), chanting
and being what I consider to be ANNOYING, visually and acoustically.  It
would have been 'ok' for one song, but the idiot stayed on the rest of the
entire show (which turned out to be about half).  I have seen BTS many
times and this was the worst, it wasn't even good.  And why they didn't
kick his lame ass off stage is beyond belief.
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