In a message dated 08/30/2000 1:18:48 AM Mountain Daylight Time, 

<< uhm, i think it makes sense...but perhaps not.  i don't think you read what
 i even say - i think you just take whatever sounds bad from it and try to
 make me out to be an ass.  i never said that this was an ABSOLUTE opinion
 of mine - i said it was a perspective of a few that i take...but why read
 into that when you can just make me sound like an idiot? >>

I won't discredit anyone's opinion, but I've voted in plenty of elections, 
and it makes me sad to think that people EVER practice "lesser evil" 
politics.  The true practice of democracy means that you should only vote for 
someone you truly believe in (and, after hearing his opinions on Elian and 
missile defense, I could tell you I'd never vote for Gore, no matter how much 
I hate Bush - it's Nader all the way).  In fact, a better practice of 
democracy means de-emphasizing these phony elections we have, and getting 
involved in things like demonstrations, circulating petitions, direct action, 
etc.  But in any event, voting for someone who is "less bad" is just a damned 

Loring Wirbel
Monument, Colo.

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