nirra says:
"here is a formal apology for my trucker driver's

That comment was actually directed toward Dusty &
Leigh exclusively, and they do know who they are...

silentfrog croaked:
"all i have to say is ...seamen recepticle."

Um, that would be a submarine, ace.  Nice try, though.

El Dustay and the Mentors belched:
"Anal rape is wrong phil, sick and wrong"

Jokes about anal rape are not funny.  However, jokes
about anal intercourse involving two consenting adults
are just in plain bad taste.  Don't believe everything
you read in Hustler, Dusty Flynt.  Most women are
appalled at the very mention, and those that are not
are the ones you'd never suspect of such deviance.  

And no, Dusty, I won't toss yr salad.

disgusted with myself,

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