sbekman     00/12/21 07:41:30

  Added:       conferences/tpc5-us cfp.html
  * creating the conferences dirs infrastructure
  * first sketch of the mod_perl cfp (Do not announce it yet!)
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.1                  modperl-site/conferences/tpc5-us/cfp.html
  Index: cfp.html
  <!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd html 4.0 transitional//en">
     <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
     <meta name="description" content="The O'Reilly Open Source Convention brings 
together the leaders of 10 critical open source technologies to give you an inside 
look at how to configure, optimize, code, and manage these powerful tools. It is a 
Convention rooted in a single premise--give people high-quality information so they 
can solve their problems quickly, efficiently, and elegantly. It is the only 
convention available that brings together the diverse open source communities and 
allows you to both go deep in your key technologies and sample other tools to solve 
     <meta name="keywords" content="O'Reilly, O'Reilly & associates, open source, open 
source software convention, open source business, perl conference 4.0, Linux, Apache, 
BSD, Python, sendmail, Mozilla, PHP, technical conferences, conventions and 
conferences, software conferences, software conventions">
     <meta name="GENERATOR" content="Mozilla/4.75 [en] (X11; U; Linux 2.2.17-21mdk 
i686) [Netscape]">
     <title> --  O'Reilly Perl Conference 5.0</title>
  <body text="#000000" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" link="#006699" vlink="#CC0000">
  <td ALIGN=CENTER VALIGN=TOP BGCOLOR="#FFFFFF"><img SRC="dotclear.gif" height=1 
  <center><b><font size=+0>An Annual Perl Community Gathering</font></b>
  <br><b><font size=+2>The O'Reilly Perl Conference 5</font></b>
  <br><img SRC="dotclear.gif" BORDER=0 height=4 width=1>
  <br><b><font size=+0>July 23-27, 2001 -- San Diego, California</font></b>
  <br><img SRC="graydot.gif" height=1 width=320></center>
  <td VALIGN=TOP WIDTH="60%"><img SRC="dotclear.gif" BORDER=0 height=1 width=1>
  <center><b><font size=+2>mod_perl track's Call for Participation</font></b></center>
  <p><font size=-1>O'Reilly &amp; Associates is pleased to announce the 5th
  annual Perl Conference. This event is the central gathering place for the
  Perl community to exchange ideas, techniques, and to advance the language.
  The Perl Conference is a five-day event designed for Perl programmers and
  developers and technical staff involved in Perl technology and its applications.
  The conference will be held at the Sheraton San Diego Hotel and Marina,
  San Diego, California, July 23-27, 2001.</font>
  <p><font size=-1>The Perl Conference 5 includes two days of intensely focused
  tutorials aimed mainly at intermediate and advanced Perl programmers. These
  tutorials are designed to provide concrete knowledge that leads directly
  to better Perl programs. Three days of multi-tracked conference sessions
  focus on the cutting edge Perl technology and feature talks, demonstrations,
  and panel debates on topics ranging from object-orientation to data mining.</font>
  <p><font size=-1>Technically sophisticated individuals who are actively
  working with Perl technology make all tutorial and conference presentations.
  Presentations by marketing staff or with a marketing focus will not be
  accepted.</font><font size=-1></font>
  <p><font size=+1>You can find the general <a 
  for Papers here</a>.&nbsp;</font><font size=+1></font>
  <p><font size=+1><b>This</b> <b>CFP</b>&nbsp;<b>is specialized for</b>
  <b><a href="">mod_perl community</a>.</b></font>
  <font size=-1>Participation Opportunities</font></h3>
  <font size=-1>Individuals and companies interested in making technical
  presentations at the Conference are invited to submit proposals to the
  conference organizers following the guidelines below. Proposals will be
  considered in three classes: tutorial programs, conference presentations,
  and refereed papers.</font>
  <font size=-1>Topics</font></h3>
  <font size=-1>The program committee invites submissions of tutorials, conference
  presentations, or refereed papers on topics of interest to Perl programmers.
  Here are some suggested topics:</font>
  <font size=-1>Basic mod_perl use (installation/configuration/etc)</font></li>
  <font size=-1>mod_perl internals</font></li>
  <font size=-1>mod_perl 2.0</font></li>
  <font size=-1>Interesting 3rd party Apache::*&nbsp;modules</font></li>
  <font size=-1>Interesting mod_perl based applications</font></li>
  <font size=-1>Templating systems and mod_perl</font></li>
  <font size=-1>Application Toolkits based on mod_perl</font></li>
  <font size=-1>Sophisticated techniques to improve mod_perl performance</font></li>
  <font size=-1>scalable solutions under mod_perl, huge sites show cases</font></li>
  <font size=-1>Engineering in/for mod_perl</font></li>
  <font size=-1>healthy comparisons and benchmarks between mod_perl and other
  equivalents technologies</font></li>
  <font size=-1>Damian Conway and mod_perl</font></li>
  <font size=-1>Stop the robot (Throttling access)</font></li>
  <font size=-1>mod_perl in biz industry: Case studies showing how big companies
  use mod_perl</font></li>
  <br><font size=-1></font>&nbsp;</ul>
  <font size=-1>Tutorial Presentations</font></h3>
  <font size=-1>The first two days of the conference are devoted to tutorial
  <p><font size=-1>Tutorial proposals must include:</font>
  <font size=-1>Tutorial Title</font></li>
  <font size=-1>Tutorial length (3 or 6 hours)</font></li>
  <font size=-1>Target audience including any prerequisites for taking advantage
  of the material (i.e. a basic understanding of Perl is necessary)</font></li>
  <font size=-1>What attendees will learn--the knowledge or skill take-away
  attendees will have at the completion of the tutorial</font></li>
  <font size=-1>Tutorial outline--a short bullet list or description of the
  course itself and the material it covers</font></li>
  <font size=-1>Speaker name</font></li>
  <font size=-1>Speaker biography</font></li>
  <font size=-1>Complete speaker contact information; if applicable, include
  administrative support contact information</font></li>
  <font size=-1>Conference Presentations</font></h3>
  <font size=-1>Conference presentations and participation will be considered
  for these types of talks:</font>
  <font size=-1>Case studies showing an application of Perl, the problems
  that were solved and the lessons learned</font></li>
  <font size=-1>Focused technology discussions covering a specific Perl technology
  such as the compiler, and showing a variety of implementation or application
  <font size=-1>New product/technology demonstrations--live demonstrations
  of released or near released Perl modules or applications</font></li>
  <font size=-1>Panel participation--speakers to participate in one of the
  various panel discussions that are part of the conference</font></li>
  <font size=-1>Conference proposals must include:</font>
  <font size=-1>Type of talk--technology, new product, case study, or panel</font></li>
  <font size=-1>Title of talk or demonstration</font></li>
  <font size=-1>Abstract of talk, maximum 250 words</font></li>
  <font size=-1>Speaker name</font></li>
  <font size=-1>Speaker biography</font></li>
  <font size=-1>Complete speaker contact information; if applicable, include
  administrative support contact information</font></li>
  <font size=-1>Refereed Papers</font></h3>
  <font size=-1>Individuals or teams interested in submitting technical papers
  on Perl programming are invited to submit extended abstracts of their work
  for consideration by the committee. All accepted papers will be published
  in the proceedings of the Conference.</font>
  <p><font size=-1>Extended abstracts should be no shorter than one page
  and must contain:</font>
  <font size=-1>A summary of the work done, which the paper will describe</font></li>
  <font size=-1>Whether the work has been done, is partially done, or is
  planned to be done</font></li>
  <font size=-1>The author's name, affiliation, and e-mail address</font></li>
  <font size=-1>Bullet-point multi-level outline showing the expected scope
  and content of the paper</font></li>
  <font size=-1>The committee will consider only new work that has not been
  presented or submitted for consideration at other conferences. Accepted
  papers authors will receive complete instructions for preparing their material
  from the committee.</font>
  <font size=-1>Submitting Your Proposal</font></h3>
  <font size=-1>Please send all proposals to: <b><a 
href="mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]">[EMAIL PROTECTED]</a></b></font>
  <p><font size=-1>Submit all proposals via electronic mail in plain text
  with no attachments. Submit one proposal per email. The subject line of
  your email must follow this format:</font>
  <p><font size=-1>Your Last Name: proposal type (tutorial, proposal, paper):
  proposal title</font>
  <p><font size=-1>for example</font>
  <p><font size=-1>Smith: Tutorial: Advanced Perl Programming</font>
  <p><font size=-1>You will receive an automatic confirmation of receipt
  for each proposal.</font>
  <font size=-1>Important Dates</font></h3>
  <font size=-1>Refereed paper abstracts due: January 20, 2001</font>
  <p><font size=-1>All other proposals due: February 1, 2001</font>
  <p><font size=-1>Notification to paper presenters: February 1, 2001</font>
  <p><font size=-1>Notification to conference and tutorial presenters: March
  1, 2001</font>
  <p><font size=-1>Refereed papers due: March 15, 2001</font>
  <p><font size=-1>Tutorial presentations due: May 1, 2001</font>
  <p><font size=-1>Conference presentations due: June 1, 2001&nbsp;</font></td>
  <td ALIGN=CENTER COLSPAN="2"></td>

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