dougm       01/04/02 01:59:56

  Added:       Apache-Test/lib/Apache
  methods to drive the tests
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.1                  modperl-2.0/Apache-Test/lib/Apache/
  package Apache::TestRun;
  use strict;
  use warnings FATAL => 'all';
  use Apache::TestConfig ();
  use Apache::TestRequest ();
  use Apache::TestHarness ();
  use File::Spec::Functions qw(catfile);
  use Getopt::Long qw(GetOptions);
  my @std_run      = qw(start-httpd run-tests stop-httpd);
  my @others       = qw(verbose configure clean help ping);
  my @flag_opts    = (@std_run, @others);
  my @list_opts    = qw(preamble postamble);
  my @hash_opts    = qw(header);
  my @exit_opts    = qw(clean help ping debug);
  my @request_opts = qw(get head post);
  my %usage = (
     'start-httpd' => 'start the test server',
     'run-tests'   => 'run the tests',
     'stop-httpd'  => 'stop the test server',
     'verbose'     => 'verbose output',
     'configure'   => 'force regeneration of httpd.conf',
     'clean'       => 'remove all generated test files',
     'help'        => 'display this message',
     'preamble'    => 'config to add at the beginning of httpd.conf',
     'postamble'   => 'config to add at the end of httpd.conf',
     'ping'        => 'test if server is running or port in use',
     'debug'       => 'start server under debugger (e.g. gdb)',
     'header'      => "add headers to (".join('|', @request_opts).") request",
     (map { $_, "\U$_\E url" } @request_opts),
  sub new {
      my $class = shift;
      bless {
          tests => [],
      }, $class;
  #split arguments into test files/dirs and options
  #take extra care if -e, the file matches /\.t$/
  #                if -d, the dir contains .t files
  #so we dont slurp arguments that are not tests, example:
  # httpd $HOME/apache-2.0/bin/httpd
  sub split_args {
      my($self, $argv) = @_;
      my(@tests, @args);
      for (@$argv) {
          my $arg = $_;
          #need the t/ for stat-ing, but dont want to include it in test output
          $arg =~ s:^t/::;
          my $t_dir = catfile qw(.. t);
          my $file = catfile $t_dir, $arg;
          if (-d $file and $_ ne '/') {
              my @files = <$file/*.t>;
              if (@files) {
                  my $remove = catfile $t_dir, "";
                  push @tests, map { s,^\Q$remove,,; $_ } @files;
          else {
              if ($file =~ /\.t$/ and -e $file) {
                  push @tests, "$arg";
              elsif (-e "$file.t") {
                  push @tests, "$arg.t";
          push @args, $_;
      #default HEAD|GET to /
      for (my $i = 0; $i < @args; $i++) {
          if ($args[$i] =~ /^-(get|head)/) {
              unless ($args[$i+1] and $args[$i+1] =~ m:^/:) {
                  splice @args, $i+1, 0, '/';
      $self->{tests} = \@tests;
      $self->{args}  = \@args;
  sub passenv {
      my $passenv = Apache::TestConfig->passenv;
      for (keys %$passenv) {
          return 1 if $ENV{$_};
  sub getopts {
      my($self, $argv) = @_;
      #dont count test files/dirs as @ARGV arguments
      local *ARGV = $self->{args};
      my(%opts, %vopts, %conf_opts);
      GetOptions(\%opts, @flag_opts, @exit_opts,
                 (map "$_=s", @request_opts),
                 (map { ("$_=s", $vopts{$_} ||= []) } @list_opts),
                 (map { ("$_=s", $vopts{$_} ||= {}) } @hash_opts));
      $opts{$_} = $vopts{$_} for keys %vopts;
      #force regeneration of httpd.conf if commandline args want to modify it
      $opts{configure} ||=
        (grep { $opts{$_}->[0] } qw(preamble postamble)) ||
          @ARGV || $self->passenv() || (! -e 'conf/httpd.conf');
      while (my($key, $val) = splice @ARGV, 0, 2) {
         $conf_opts{lc $key} = $val;
      if ($opts{configure}) {
          $conf_opts{save} = 1;
      else {
          $conf_opts{thaw} = 1;
      #propagate some values
      for (qw(verbose)) {
          $conf_opts{$_} = $opts{$_};
      $self->{opts} = \%opts;
      $self->{conf_opts} = \%conf_opts;
  sub default_run_opts {
      my $self = shift;
      my($opts, $tests) = ($self->{opts}, $self->{tests});
      unless (grep { $opts->{$_} } @std_run, @request_opts) {
          if (@$tests && $self->{server}->ping) {
              #if certain tests are specified and server is running, dont restart
              $opts->{'run-tests'} = 1;
          else {
              #default is server-server run-tests stop-server
              $opts->{$_} = 1 for @std_run;
  my $caught_sig_int = 0;
  sub install_sighandlers {
      my $self = shift;
      my($server, $opts) = ($self->{server}, $self->{opts});
      $SIG{__DIE__} = sub {
          return unless $_[0] =~ /^Failed/i; #dont catch Test::ok failures
          $server->stop(1) if $opts->{'start-httpd'};
          $server->failed_msg("error running tests");
      $SIG{INT} = sub {
          if ($caught_sig_int++) {
              print "\ncaught SIGINT\n";
          print "\nhalting tests\n";
          $server->stop if $opts->{'start-httpd'};
  sub configure_opts {
      my $self = shift;
      my($test_config, $opts) = ($self->{test_config}, $self->{opts});
      my $preamble  = sub { shift->preamble($opts->{preamble}) };
      my $postamble = sub { shift->postamble($opts->{postamble}) };
  sub configure_modperl {
      my $self = shift;
      my $test_config = $self->{test_config};
  sub configure {
      my $self = shift;
      return unless $self->{conf_opts}->{save}; #cache generated config
      my $test_config = $self->{test_config};
  sub try_exit_opts {
      my $self = shift;
      for (@exit_opts) {
          next unless $self->{opts}->{$_};
          my $method = "opt_$_";
      if ($self->{opts}->{'stop-httpd'}) {
  sub start {
      my $self = shift;
      my $test_config = $self->{test_config};
      unless ($test_config->{vars}->{httpd}) {
          print "no test server configured, please specify an httpd or ";
          print $test_config->{MP_APXS} ?
            "an apxs other than $test_config->{MP_APXS}" : "apxs";
          print "\nor put either in your PATH\n";
          exit 1;
      if ($self->{opts}->{'start-httpd'}) {
          exit 1 unless $self->{server}->start;
  sub run_tests {
      my $self = shift;
      my $test_opts = {
          verbose => $self->{opts}->{verbose},
          tests   => $self->{tests},
      if (grep { $self->{opts}->{$_} } @request_opts) {
          run_request($self->{test_config}, $self->{opts});
      else {
              if $self->{opts}->{'run-tests'};
  sub stop {
      my $self = shift;
      $self->{server}->stop if $self->{opts}->{'stop-httpd'};
  sub new_test_config {
      my $self = shift;
  sub run {
      my $self = shift;
      my(@argv) = @_;
      $self->{test_config} = $self->new_test_config;
      $self->{server} = $self->{test_config}->server;
      local($SIG{__DIE__}, $SIG{INT});
  sub run_request {
      my($test_config, $opts) = @_;
      my @args = %{ $opts->{header} };
      my $wanted_args = Apache::TestRequest::wanted_args();
      while (my($key, $val) = each %{ $test_config->{vars} }) {
          next unless $wanted_args->{$key};
          push @args, $key, $val;
      for (@request_opts) {
          next unless $opts->{$_};
          my $method = \&{"Apache::TestRequest::\U$_"};
          my $res = $method->($opts->{$_}, @args);
          print Apache::TestRequest::to_string($res);
  sub opt_clean {
      my($self) = @_;
      my $test_config = $self->{test_config};
  sub opt_ping {
      my($self) = @_;
      my $test_config = $self->{test_config};
      my $server = $test_config->server;
      my $pid = $server->ping;
      my $name = $server->{name};
      if ($pid) {
          if ($pid == -1) {
              print "port $test_config->{vars}->{port} is in use, ",
                    "but cannot determine server pid\n";
          else {
              my $version = $server->{version};
              print "server $name running (pid=$pid, version=$version)\n";
      print "no server is running on $name\n";
  sub opt_debug {
      my $self = shift;
      my $server = $self->{server};
  sub opt_help {
      my $self = shift;
      print <<EOM;
  usage: TEST [options ...]
     where options include:
      while (my($key, $val) = each %usage) {
          printf "   -%-16s %s\n", $key, $val;
      print "\n   configuration options:\n";

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