This is the boilerplate for the new mod_perl site:

It actually includes a lot of content, which I've ported from the old
site and added some new stuff. Even the new mod_perl 2.0 docs. But it's 

Please do not post your likes or dislikes of this boilerplate,
but keep on reading.

Nathan Torkington was sick of waiting for Messiah to come and redo our
site, so he started re-doing it by himself. Since I've planned to merge
the documentation project with the site, I've picked it up from Nat
and started the DocSet project to make the site autogenerated.
The DocSet project is based on the idea used
by Template::Toolkit's documentation builder and of course re-using
the Splash HTML Widgets library Andy Wardley has developed. This is
Pod::HtmlPsPdf's big brother (Pod::HtmlPsPdf is currently used to
build the mod_perl guide). Currently it supports HTML and POD as sources 
and HTML/PS/PDF as an output. More formats will be supported in the 
future. If you want to get involved see:

I've revamped the existing site and with help of DocSet provided a
consistent look-n-feel and auto-generated navigation. I *did* *not* do
a design of the site, and that's where comes the challenge...

The Challenge:

If you are a good *web* designer and willing to design our site in
return for the eternal fame and major ego boost, or just because you
feel like contributing back... we want your design.

Obviously the site should be very light on graphics, but since you are
a good web designer you know this and all the other requirements
already. The only requirement we have is that this is an information
site, so avoid fancy graphics and god forbid flash splashes :)

It's possible that the current boilerplate at the URL I've posted above
is exactly what we need, with possibly a few tweaks. So don't get over
your head, change things only if it's really necessary.

If nobody sends their designs the posted URL is what you get to use for
"eternity" :)

If you are interested, read the rules and explanations.


The deadline is Monday Nov, 26 2001 (whatever time-zone you are in, I'll 
check on the next day).

All the designs are to be submitted to me.

Please send me only the modified source as an attachment and name the 
package (and the dir it resides in) as modperl-site-fname-lname.tar.gz

If you submit more than one version, append the version to the package
name. e.g. modperl-site-fname-lname-A.tar.gz


   Subject: [modperl-site design challenge] fname lname [version]

as a subject for your submissions.

I'll make the submitted designs available online on Nov, 27.

I'm not sure yet how we are going to vote. Is anybody willing to setup
a clean voting script (which prevents cheating). I was thinking about to host the votes... Matt?

The submission may include only changes to the existing templates
(it's ok to add new templates, the point is to work only with

Generating HTML:

Before doing any changes, see that you can build the current version.

1. Install Template::Toolkit (use CPAN)

2. Install DocSet. You can get it from here:

Notice that it's not released on CPAN yet, as it may change the
name. This module is discussed here:
So if something doesn't work, post to this list.

You can read the docset archives here:

3. Download the new mod_perl site source

4. Test that you can build the site. Assuming that you've untarred the
package into its original dir:

   % cd modperl-site-new
   % bin/build -vf

in the dst_html dir you will find the generated site. See the README
file and DocSet pods for more info, but you don't really need to read
these or understand how the builder works to get the design done.

Modifying Templates:

You shouldn't mess with src/ dir,

The tmpl/std/ dir includes the standard Splash library of templates,
so generally you shouldn't touch this one. But if you see that it
generates improper HTML do change it and we will submit the fixes to
Andy. To learn how splash templates are called see:

Do play with the templates in the tmpl/custom/ dir.

All you have to change is two templates:

tmpl/custom/html/index - tmpl used for generating index.html pages
tmpl/custom/html/page  - tmpl used for generating the rest of the pages

and of course you may change the templates these two templates

If you need help with Template::Toolkit, see: At this site you will find a lot of
good docs and the pointers the mailing list and its archives.


Please try to use the resources the pointers to which I've provided
above. Please avoid asking me questions, unless you really have
to. This way I can continue working on the new content and improve the
DocSet module's code, which is far from perfect.

Stas Bekman             JAm_pH      --   Just Another mod_perl Hacker      mod_perl Guide

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