stas        2004/08/15 03:08:30

  Modified:    .        Changes
               todo     release
  pod manpages are now glued to all .pm files for which .pod exists
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.447     +3 -0      modperl-2.0/Changes
  Index: Changes
  RCS file: /home/cvs/modperl-2.0/Changes,v
  retrieving revision 1.446
  retrieving revision 1.447
  diff -u -u -r1.446 -r1.447
  --- Changes   15 Aug 2004 00:20:34 -0000      1.446
  +++ Changes   15 Aug 2004 10:08:30 -0000      1.447
  @@ -12,6 +12,9 @@
   =item 1.99_15-dev
  +pod manpages are now glued to all .pm files for which .pod exists
   Apache::RequestIO::sendfile() now indicates which file it has failed
   to open on failure. [Stas]
  1.19      +71 -14    modperl-2.0/lib/ModPerl/
  RCS file: /home/cvs/modperl-2.0/lib/ModPerl/,v
  retrieving revision 1.18
  retrieving revision 1.19
  diff -u -u -r1.18 -r1.19
  ---        1 Aug 2004 19:44:00 -0000       1.18
  +++        15 Aug 2004 10:08:30 -0000      1.19
  @@ -21,6 +21,7 @@
   use Cwd ();
   use File::Spec::Functions qw(catdir catfile splitdir);
   use File::Basename;
  +use File::Find;
   use Apache::Build ();
   use ModPerl::MM;
  @@ -170,7 +171,8 @@
       my $self = shift;
       my $string = $self->MM::top_targets;
  -    ModPerl::MM::add_dep_after(\$string, "pure_all", pm_to_blib => 'glue_pods');
  +    ModPerl::MM::add_dep_after(\$string, "pure_all",
  +                               linkext => 'glue_pods');
       return $string;
  @@ -182,21 +184,72 @@
       my @targets = ();
  -    # add the code to glue the existing pods to the .pm files in blib
  -    my @target = ('glue_pods:');
  +    # reasons for glueing pods to the respective .pm files:
  +    # - manpages will get installed over the mp1 manpages and vice
  +    #   versa. glueing pods avoids creation of manpages, but may be we
  +    #   could just tell make to skip manpages creation?
  +    # if pods are installed directly they need to be also redirected,
  +    # some into Apache2/ others (e.g. Apache2) not
  +    # add the code to glue the existing pods to the .pm files in blib.
  +    # create a dependency on pm_to_blib subdirs linkext targets to
  +    # allow 'make -j'
  +    my @target = ('glue_pods: pm_to_blib subdirs linkext');
       if (-d $doc_root) {
  -        while (my ($pm, $blib) = each %{$self->{PM}}) {
  -            my $pod = catdir(
  -                (splitdir($blib))[-2 .. -1]);
  -            $pod =~ s/\.pm/\.pod/;
  -            my $podpath = catfile $doc_root, $pod;
  -            next unless -r $podpath;
  -            push @target, 
  -                '$(FULLPERL) -I$(INST_LIB) ' .
  -                "-I$apache_test_dir -MModPerl::BuildMM " .
  -                "-e ModPerl::BuildMM::glue_pod $pm $podpath $blib";
  +        my $build = build_config();
  +        # those living in modperl-2.0/lib are already nicely mapped
  +        my %pms = %{ $self->{PM} };
  +        my $cwd = Cwd::getcwd();
  +        my $blib_dir = catdir qw(blib lib);
  +        $blib_dir = catdir $blib_dir, "Apache2"
  +            if $build->{MP_INST_APACHE2};
  +        # those autogenerated under WrapXS/
  +        # those living under xs/
  +        # those living under ModPerl-Registry/lib/
  +        my @src = ('WrapXS', 'xs', catdir(qw(ModPerl-Registry lib)));
  +        for my $base (@src) {
  +            chdir $base;
  +            my @files = ();
  +            find({ no_chdir => 1,
  +                   wanted => sub { push @files, $_ if /.pm$/ },
  +                 }, ".");
  +            chdir $cwd;
  +            for (@files) {
  +                my $pm = catfile $base, $_;
  +                my $blib;
  +                if ($base =~ /^(xs|WrapXS)/) {
  +                    my @segm = splitdir $_;
  +                    splice @segm, -2, 1; # xs/APR/Const/
  +                    splice @segm, -2, 1 if /; # odd case
  +                    $blib = catfile $blib_dir, @segm;
  +                }
  +                else {
  +                    $blib = catfile $blib_dir, $_;
  +                }
  +                $pms{$pm} = $blib;
  +            }
  +        }
  +        while (my($pm, $blib) = each %pms) {
  +            my @segm = splitdir $blib;
  +            for my $i (1..2) {
  +                # try and APR/
  +                my $pod = catdir(@segm[-$i .. -1]);
  +                $pod =~ s/\.pm/\.pod/;
  +                my $podpath = catfile $doc_root, $pod;
  +                next unless -r $podpath;
  +                push @target, 
  +                    '$(FULLPERL) -I$(INST_LIB) ' .
  +                    "-I$apache_test_dir -MModPerl::BuildMM " .
  +                    "-e ModPerl::BuildMM::glue_pod $pm $podpath $blib";
  +            }
           push @target, $self->{NOECHO} . '$(TOUCH) $@';
  @@ -221,6 +274,9 @@
       die "expecting 3 arguments: pm, pod, dst" unless @ARGV == 3;
       my($pm, $pod, $dst) = @ARGV;
  +    die "glue_pod: can't find $pm"  unless -e $pm;
  +    die "glue_pod: can't find $dst" unless -e $dst;
       # have we already glued the doc?
       exit 0 unless -s $pm == -s $dst;
  @@ -232,6 +288,7 @@
       chmod $rw_mode, $dst      or die "Can't chmod $rw_mode $dst: $!";
       open my $pod_fh, "<$pod"  or die "Can't open $pod: $!";
       open my $dst_fh, ">>$dst" or die "Can't open $dst: $!";
  +    print $dst_fh "\n"; # must add one line separation
       print $dst_fh (<$pod_fh>);
       close $pod_fh;
       close $dst_fh;
  1.47      +0 -11     modperl-2.0/todo/release
  Index: release
  RCS file: /home/cvs/modperl-2.0/todo/release,v
  retrieving revision 1.46
  retrieving revision 1.47
  diff -u -u -r1.46 -r1.47
  --- release   15 Aug 2004 07:55:52 -0000      1.46
  +++ release   15 Aug 2004 10:08:30 -0000      1.47
  @@ -48,17 +48,6 @@
     the issues and thinks he knows how to fix it, he just needs the time.
     owner: geoff
  -* it looks like glue_pod is not working anymore, consider dropping it
  -  completely and simply install .pod files along with .pm ones. In
  -  which case we need to arrange for Makefile.PL to traverse into
  -  docs/api/ and grab those pod files. See how the Template package
  -  does that.
  -  in any case we now have .pod manpages for non-existing .pm files, so
  -  in case we don't install .pod files as is, we may need to make a
  -  special case for those .pod files.  So it's probably better to just
  -  install all .pod files w/o glueing them to .pm files.
   * some autogenerated record accessors shouldn't be get/set but only
     get (e.g. Apache->server->is_virtual(1) is wrong). Need to add a new
     flag supported by MapUtil and map files, where we can say which

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