Author: pgollucci
Date: Mon Apr 23 14:34:25 2007
New Revision: 531616

importing Apache-Reload based on v0.07


Added: perl/Apache-Reload/trunk/MANIFEST
--- perl/Apache-Reload/trunk/MANIFEST (added)
+++ perl/Apache-Reload/trunk/MANIFEST Mon Apr 23 14:34:25 2007
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@

Added: perl/Apache-Reload/trunk/Makefile.PL
--- perl/Apache-Reload/trunk/Makefile.PL (added)
+++ perl/Apache-Reload/trunk/Makefile.PL Mon Apr 23 14:34:25 2007
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+use ExtUtils::MakeMaker;
+# See lib/ExtUtils/ for details of how to influence
+# the contents of the Makefile that is written.
+    'NAME'     => 'Apache::Reload',
+    'VERSION_FROM' => '', # finds $VERSION

Added: perl/Apache-Reload/trunk/README
--- perl/Apache-Reload/trunk/README (added)
+++ perl/Apache-Reload/trunk/README Mon Apr 23 14:34:25 2007
@@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
+    Apache::Reload - Reload changed modules
+    In httpd.conf:
+      PerlInitHandler Apache::Reload
+      PerlSetVar ReloadAll Off
+    Then your module:
+      package My::Apache::Module;
+      use Apache::Reload;
+      sub handler { ... }
+      1;
+    This module is two things. First it is an adaptation of Randal
+    Schwartz's Stonehenge::Reload module that attempts to be a
+    little more intuitive and makes the usage easier.
+    Stonehenge::Reload was written by Randal to make specific
+    modules reload themselves when they changed. Unlike
+    Apache::StatINC, Stonehenge::Reload only checked the change time
+    of modules that registered themselves with Stonehenge::Reload,
+    thus reducing stat() calls. Apache::Reload also offers the exact
+    same functionality as Apache::StatINC, and is thus designed to
+    be a drop-in replacement. Apache::Reload only checks modules
+    that register themselves with Apache::Reload if you explicitly
+    turn off the StatINC emulation method (see below). Like
+    Apache::StatINC, Apache::Reload must be installed as an Init
+    Handler.
+  StatINC Replacement
+    To use as a StatINC replacement, simply add the following
+    configuration to your httpd.conf:
+      PerlInitHandler Apache::Reload
+  Register Modules Implicitly
+    To only reload modules that have registered with Apache::Reload,
+    add the following to the httpd.conf:
+      PerlInitHandler Apache::Reload
+      PerlSetVar ReloadAll Off
+      # ReloadAll defaults to On
+    Then any modules with the line:
+      use Apache::Reload;
+    Will be reloaded when they change.
+  Register Modules Explicitly
+    You can also register modules explicitly in your httpd.conf file
+    that you want to be reloaded on change:
+      PerlInitHandler Apache::Reload
+      PerlSetVar ReloadAll Off
+      PerlSetVar ReloadModules "My::Foo My::Bar Foo::Bar::Test"
+    Note that these are split on whitespace, but the module list
+    must be in quotes, otherwise Apache tries to parse the parameter
+    list.
+  Special "Touch" File
+    You can also set a file that you can touch() that causes the
+    reloads to be performed. If you set this, and don't touch() the
+    file, the reloads don't happen. This can be a great boon in a
+    live environment:
+      PerlSetVar ReloadTouchFile /tmp/reload_modules
+    Now when you're happy with your changes, simply go to the
+    command line and type:
+      touch /tmp/reload_modules
+    And your modules will be magically reloaded on the next request.
+    This option works in both StatINC emulation mode and the
+    registered modules mode.
+    The short summary of this is: Don't use psuedohashes. Use an
+    array with constant indexes. Its faster in the general case, its
+    more guaranteed, and generally, it works.
+    The long summary is that I've done some work to get this working
+    with modules that use psuedo hashes, but its still broken in the
+    case of a single module that contains multiple packages that all
+    use psuedohashes.
+    So don't do that.
+    Matt Sergeant, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
+    Apache::StatINC, Stonehenge::Reload

Added: perl/Apache-Reload/trunk/
--- perl/Apache-Reload/trunk/ (added)
+++ perl/Apache-Reload/trunk/ Mon Apr 23 14:34:25 2007
@@ -0,0 +1,251 @@
+# $Id:,v 1.16 2001/04/22 18:09:59 matt Exp $
+package Apache::Reload;
+use strict;
+$Apache::Reload::VERSION = '0.07';
+use vars qw(%INCS %Stat $TouchTime %UndefFields);
+%Stat = ($INC{"Apache/"} => time);
+$TouchTime = time;
+sub import {
+    my $class = shift;
+    my ($package,$file) = (caller)[0,1];
+    $class->register_module($package, $file);
+sub package_to_module {
+    my $package = shift;
+    $package =~ s/::/\//g;
+    $package .= ".pm";
+    return $package;
+sub register_module {
+    my ($class, $package, $file) = @_;
+    my $module = package_to_module($package);
+    if ($file) {
+        $INCS{$module} = $file;
+    }
+    else {
+        $file = $INC{$module};
+        return unless $file;
+        $INCS{$module} = $file;
+    }
+    no strict 'refs';
+    if (%{"${package}::FIELDS"}) {
+        $UndefFields{$module} = "${package}::FIELDS";
+    }
+sub handler {
+    my $r = shift;
+    my $DEBUG = ref($r) && (lc($r->dir_config("ReloadDebug") || '') eq 'on');
+    my $TouchFile = ref($r) && $r->dir_config("ReloadTouchFile");
+    my $TouchModules;
+    if ($TouchFile) {
+        warn "Checking mtime of $TouchFile\n" if $DEBUG;
+        my $touch_mtime = (stat($TouchFile))[9] || return 1;
+        return 1 unless $touch_mtime > $TouchTime;
+        $TouchTime = $touch_mtime;
+        my $sym = Apache->gensym;
+        open($sym, $TouchFile) || die "Can't open '$TouchFile': $!";
+        $TouchModules = <$sym>;
+        chomp $TouchModules;
+    }
+    if (ref($r) && (lc($r->dir_config("ReloadAll") || 'on') eq 'on')) {
+        *Apache::Reload::INCS = \%INC;
+    }
+    else {
+        *Apache::Reload::INCS = \%INCS;
+        my $ExtraList = 
+                $TouchModules || 
+                (ref($r) && $r->dir_config("ReloadModules")) || 
+                '';
+        my @extra = split(/\s+/, $ExtraList);
+        foreach (@extra) {
+            if (/(.*)::\*$/) {
+                my $prefix = $1;
+                $prefix =~ s/::/\//g;
+                foreach my $match (keys %INC) {
+                    if ($match =~ /^\Q$prefix\E/) {
+                        $Apache::Reload::INCS{$match} = $INC{$match};
+                        my $package = $match;
+                        $package =~ s/\//::/g;
+                        $package =~ s/\.pm$//;
+                        no strict 'refs';
+#                        warn "checking for FIELDS on $package\n";
+                        if (%{"${package}::FIELDS"}) {
+#                            warn "found fields in $package\n";
+                            $UndefFields{$match} = "${package}::FIELDS";
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+            else {
+                Apache::Reload->register_module($_);
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    while (my($key, $file) = each %Apache::Reload::INCS) {
+        local $^W;
+        warn "Apache::Reload: Checking mtime of $key\n" if $DEBUG;
+        my $mtime = (stat $file)[9];
+        unless (defined($mtime) && $mtime) {
+            for (@INC) {
+                $mtime = (stat "$_/$file")[9];
+                last if defined($mtime) && $mtime;
+            }
+        }
+        warn("Apache::Reload: Can't locate $file\n"),next 
+                unless defined $mtime and $mtime;
+        unless (defined $Stat{$file}) {
+            $Stat{$file} = $^T;
+        }
+        if ($mtime > $Stat{$file}) {
+            delete $INC{$key};
+ #           warn "Reloading $key\n";
+            if (my $symref = $UndefFields{$key}) {
+#                warn "undeffing fields\n";
+                no strict 'refs';
+                undef %{$symref};
+            }
+            require $key;
+            warn("Apache::Reload: process $$ reloading $key\n")
+                    if $DEBUG;
+        }
+        $Stat{$file} = $mtime;
+    }
+    return 1;
+=head1 NAME
+Apache::Reload - Reload changed modules
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+In httpd.conf:
+  PerlInitHandler Apache::Reload
+  PerlSetVar ReloadAll Off
+Then your module:
+  package My::Apache::Module;
+  use Apache::Reload;
+  sub handler { ... }
+  1;
+This module is two things. First it is an adaptation of Randal
+Schwartz's Stonehenge::Reload module that attempts to be a little 
+more intuitive and makes the usage easier. Stonehenge::Reload was
+written by Randal to make specific modules reload themselves when
+they changed. Unlike Apache::StatINC, Stonehenge::Reload only checked
+the change time of modules that registered themselves with 
+Stonehenge::Reload, thus reducing stat() calls. Apache::Reload also
+offers the exact same functionality as Apache::StatINC, and is thus
+designed to be a drop-in replacement. Apache::Reload only checks modules
+that register themselves with Apache::Reload if you explicitly turn off
+the StatINC emulation method (see below). Like Apache::StatINC,
+Apache::Reload must be installed as an Init Handler.
+=head2 StatINC Replacement
+To use as a StatINC replacement, simply add the following configuration
+to your httpd.conf:
+  PerlInitHandler Apache::Reload
+=head2 Register Modules Implicitly
+To only reload modules that have registered with Apache::Reload,
+add the following to the httpd.conf:
+  PerlInitHandler Apache::Reload
+  PerlSetVar ReloadAll Off
+  # ReloadAll defaults to On
+Then any modules with the line:
+  use Apache::Reload;
+Will be reloaded when they change.
+=head2 Register Modules Explicitly
+You can also register modules explicitly in your httpd.conf file that
+you want to be reloaded on change:
+  PerlInitHandler Apache::Reload
+  PerlSetVar ReloadAll Off
+  PerlSetVar ReloadModules "My::Foo My::Bar Foo::Bar::Test"
+Note that these are split on whitespace, but the module list B<must>
+be in quotes, otherwise Apache tries to parse the parameter list.
+=head2 Special "Touch" File
+You can also set a file that you can touch() that causes the reloads to be
+performed. If you set this, and don't touch() the file, the reloads don't
+happen. This can be a great boon in a live environment:
+  PerlSetVar ReloadTouchFile /tmp/reload_modules
+Now when you're happy with your changes, simply go to the command line and
+  touch /tmp/reload_modules
+And your modules will be magically reloaded on the next request. This option
+works in both StatINC emulation mode and the registered modules mode.
+The short summary of this is: Don't use psuedohashes. Use an array with
+constant indexes. Its faster in the general case, its more guaranteed, and
+generally, it works.
+The long summary is that I've done some work to get this working with
+modules that use psuedo hashes, but its still broken in the case of a
+single module that contains multiple packages that all use psuedohashes.
+So don't do that.
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Matt Sergeant, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+Apache::StatINC, Stonehenge::Reload

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