I cannot run "apachectl start" which I got errors as belows:
I use apache1.3.9 and mod_perl1.21 which run in Origin200 IRIX6.4 with
perl 5.00502. I ever run the start before I installed perl5.00502(my
previous perl is perl5.004.4). Somebody help....

apple 325# apachectl start
[Mon Oct  4 14:12:59 1999] [error] [Mon Oct  4 14:12:59 1999] startup.pl:
[Mon Oct  4 14:12:59 1999] startup.pl: [Mon Oct  4 14:12:59 1999]
DB_File.pm: [Mon Oct  4 14:12:59 1999] Hash.pm: Can't load
'/usr/freeware/lib/perl5/5.00502/irix-n32/auto/DB_File/DB_File.so' for
module DB_File:  6425:/usr/local/apache/bin/httpd: rld: Fatal Error:
Cannot Successfully map soname 'libdb.so' under any of the filenames
at /usr/freeware/lib/perl5/5.00502/irix-n32/DynaLoader.pm line 168.
[Mon Oct  4 14:12:59 1999] startup.pl: [Mon Oct  4 14:12:59 1999]
startup.pl: [Mon Oct  4 14:12:59 1999] DB_File.pm: [Mon Oct  4 14:12:59
1999] Hash.pm: 
[Mon Oct  4 14:12:59 1999] startup.pl: [Mon Oct  4 14:12:59 1999]
startup.pl: [Mon Oct  4 14:12:59 1999] DB_File.pm: [Mon Oct  4 14:12:59
1999] Hash.pm:  at /usr/local/apache//conf/startup.pl line 19
[Mon Oct  4 14:12:59 1999] startup.pl: [Mon Oct  4 14:12:59 1999]
startup.pl: BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at
/usr/local/apache//conf/startup.pl line 19.

Syntax error on line 872 of /usr/local/apache/conf/httpd.conf:
[Mon Oct  4 14:12:59 1999] startup.pl: [Mon Oct  4 14:12:59 1999]
startup.pl: [Mon Oct  4 14:12:59 1999] DB_File.pm: [Mon Oct  4 14:12:59
1999] Hash.pm: Can't load
'/usr/freeware/lib/perl5/5.00502/irix-n32/auto/DB_File/DB_File.so' for
module DB_File:  6425:/usr/local/apache/bin/httpd: rld: Fatal Error:
Cannot Successfully map soname 'libdb.so' under any of the filenames
at /usr/freeware/lib/perl5/5.00502/irix-n32/DynaLoader.pm line 168.
[Mon Oct  4 14:12:59 1999] startup.pl: [Mon Oct  4 14:12:59 1999]
startup.pl: [Mon Oct  4 14:12:59 1999] DB_File.pm: [Mon Oct  4 14:12:59
1999] Hash.pm: 
[Mon Oct  4 14:12:59 1999] startup.pl: [Mon Oct  4 14:12:59 1999]
startup.pl: [Mon Oct  4 14:12:59 1999] DB_File.pm: [Mon Oct  4 14:12:59
1999] Hash.pm:  at /usr/local/apache//conf/startup.pl line 19
[Mon Oct  4 14:12:59 1999] startup.pl: [Mon Oct  4 14:12:59 1999]
startup.pl: BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at
/usr/local/apache//conf/startup.pl line 19.

.//apachectl start: httpd could not be started
apple 326# 

Best regards,

Jearanai Vongsaard
Graduate Research Assistant             Tel(703)993-4322
Computational Science Institute         Fax(703)993-1980
George Mason University                 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
" Copy from one, it's plagiarism; copy from two, it's research " 
                                       --Wilson Mizner 1876-1933

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