On Mon, 4 Oct 1999, Gerald Richter wrote:

> > Starting httpd...       [Mon Oct  4 15:06:44 1999] [crit] (125)Address
> > already in use: make_sock: could not bind to port 8529
> > Cannot open test/tmp/httpd.pid at test.pl line 953.
> > 
> There is already a Apache running on port 8529. Stop it and rerun the test.

Thank you very much. I got it run already. I can start my http but I still
get some errors.  What should I do?  Can I ignore these errors or I have
to fix them? --Thanks

Use of uninitialized value at (eval1218) line 1. 
Starting httpd...  pid = 5764 ok

Testing mod_perl mode...

5764:/opt/local/download/apache_1.3.9/src/httpd: rld: Fatal Error:
attempted access to unresolvable symbol in
blib/arch/auto/HTML/Embperl/Embperl.so: mod_perl_sent_header
ERR:unexpected EOF before status line seen
Input:          test/html/ascii
Output:         test/tmp/out.htm
Compared to:    test/cmp/error.htm
Log:            test/tmp/test.log

 ERRORS detected! NOT all test have been passed successfully

Callback called exit.
END failed--cleanup aborted.
*** Error code 9 (bu21)

> Gerald

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