well, I spent a coupla days trying to recall my first days in mod_perl and I
remembered a few pitfalls not in the Guide.  Since I have seen other users
on this list encounter the same questions, I thought I'd bring them up...

1) getting mod_perl RPMs to work under Linux
2) figuring out exactly what things are needed to sucessfully compile
apache/mod_perl from source (not necessarily Linux specific).

I'll explain...

        Being (more then than now) slightly RedHat/RPM impaired, I wanted to
have a mod_perl enabled Apache server.  If you install the Apache RPM boom,
apache is working.  Now, there is a mod_perl RPM as well (on my 5.2 discs,
that is).  However, when I installed it went about the guide's "How do I
know mod_perl is working" stuff, no luck.  It eventually led me to
installing from both apache and mod_perl source from CPAN (the right thing
to do).  Anyway, being new to the whole sys admin stuff, it took me the
better part of a day to figure out that I needed gcc, make, glibc or
whatever to be able to compile the stuff (picture, installing gcc RPM,
trying to compile, installing glibc RPM, trying to compile...).  I still am
not sure what exact packages are necessary, eventually I just installed
everything that looked appropriate.

        At any rate, I have seen others struggle with installing apache and
mod_perl from the RPM, having no luck, then trying to compile from the RPM
source, still having trouble.  My advice to these folks is to abandon the
RPM and go to CPAN.  I don't know of anyone who has managed to do this
successfully (but I love to hear about it).  Occasionally, those people also
don't have the right packages installed necessary to compile from source.  I
pretty much tell them I just started installing stuff and eventually it
worked, but I wished I could offer them a difinitive list.

        Thus, it might be worth mentioning that RPMs are a _bad_ idea for
those just getting into mod_perl.  That is, unless others have been more
successful that I...



> -----Original Message-----
> From: Stas Bekman [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Friday, October 01, 1999 7:21 AM
> To:   mod_perl list
> Subject:      ANNOUNCE: Guide => Book
> Hi,
> I've started to work on converting the mod_perl Guide into a
> mod_perl introduction book. 
> The publisher is O'Reilly(R). Many thanks to Doug for making this a
> reality!!! It's a big proud for me to work for this great publisher!
> The book will be based on the guide. I'll add many working code examples
> and detailed explanations of the code. 
> This book is very unique since it's based on many little and big pieces of
> information contributed by hundreds of people on the list, many even don't
> know that they contributed, as I quietly save the emails and read them to
> find yet unanswered questions and answers to them. (this reminds me that I
> have to update the contribution list at the guide :) 
> This is your chance to make the book the way you want. So if you didn't
> read the guide yet, take a look. Tell me what's wrong, what's good. What
> parts are really missing.
> If you have code snippets to contribute -- it would help a lot. 
> Just try to remember what things you have had to learn the hard way, and
> you wish it was written somewhere. I get many letter saying "where have
> your guide been 1 year ago when we had so many questions and no answers!".
> So please help me to identify those unanswered questions and provide the
> answers.
> Before the stuff is written you can make an influence!
> Please note that this is a complementary book to the Eagle book, not a
> rival to this wonderful book! I've enjoyed every moment of reading it. 
> I'm going thru this book to make sure I wouldn't duplicate parts of it. 
> So when you make suggestions please remember that the material you are
> going to suggest might be already covered in the Doug and Lincoln's book. 
> And wish me good luck :)
> P.S. The guide will stay online as it is, and will be updated as I get
> more contributions from you, so don't stop these coming.
> _______________________________________________________________________
> Stas Bekman  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]    www.singlesheaven.com/stas  
> Perl,CGI,Apache,Linux,Web,Java,PC at  www.singlesheaven.com/stas/TULARC
> www.apache.org  & www.perl.com  == www.modperl.com  ||  perl.apache.org
> single o-> + single o-+ = singlesheaven    http://www.singlesheaven.com

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