Sorry about the double post, you guys can ignore this one... I sent this
yesterday afternoon and when it didn't go through I subscribed to the list
and sent another...

Not sure why this one took almost 24 hours to go through....

Jeremy Domingue

----- Original Message -----
From: "Jeremy Domingue" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, October 07, 1999 2:54 PM
Subject: Apache::ASP (<Files> directive) & Authentication?

Hey all,

I just upgraded to Apache::ASP 0.16 last night and I've run into an
interesting problem. This only started happening after the upgrade so I'm
assuming that it's something that was changed in Apache::ASP.

For some reason, when I have the <Files> directive enabled (so that
Apache::ASP will run), it seems to cause Apache to stop requesting
authentication information from a client when that client requests a
document (or directory) that is protected by the
AuthName/AuthUserFile/AuthGroupFile directives. As soon as I remove the
<Files> directive, it works like normal.

This doesn't really make sense to me.... considering the <Files> directive
only looks at *.asp files, why would it be effecting security on other
files? Is this a bug in Apache, mod_perl, or Apache::ASP? Has anyone run
into this before?

Another interesting thing is that it doesn't effect any virtual hosts... it
only affects the main web server.

I've tried changing various options, and also tried the <FilesMatch>
directive instead of <Files>, but I always run into the same thing... the
only way I can get Apache to request the authentication information is if I
remove the <Files> and/or <FilesMatch> directive from the root .htaccess

I am running Apache 1.3.9, mod_perl 1.21, and Apache::ASP 0.16.

Any input, suggestions, or ideas would be greatly appreciated! Please CC
your replies to me as I am not subscribed to the modperl list.


Jeremy Domingue

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