> But here's an exceptionally strange bug that will cause the embperl/apache
> process to seg fault:
> [-
> $hello %n;
> -]
> ----END SCRIPT-----

It's acctually dieing inside Apache when Embperl tries to log the following
error message:

[1995]ERR: 32: Line 1: Warning in Perl code: Operator or semicolon missing
before %n at /usr/msrc/embperl/test/html/wei.htm line 4.

The problem is the "%n", which will be interpreted by Apaches ap_log_error

The following patch solves the problem:

File epmain.c, Lines 154 and 156

-            aplog_error (APLOG_MARK, APLOG_ERR | APLOG_NOERRNO, r ->
pApacheReq -> server, sText) ;
+            aplog_error (APLOG_MARK, APLOG_ERR | APLOG_NOERRNO, r ->
pApacheReq -> server, "%s", sText) ;

-            aplog_error (APLOG_MARK, APLOG_WARNING | APLOG_NOERRNO, r ->
pApacheReq -> server, sText) ;
+            aplog_error (APLOG_MARK, APLOG_WARNING | APLOG_NOERRNO, r ->
pApacheReq -> server, "%s", sText) ;

Thanks for the bug report


Gerald Richter      ecos electronic communication services gmbh
Internet - Infodatenbanken - Apache - Perl - mod_perl - Embperl

E-Mail:     [EMAIL PROTECTED]         Tel:        +49-6133/925151
WWW:        http://www.ecos.de      Fax:        +49-6133/925152

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