On Oct 15, 1999 at 15:30:08 +0700, Simon Tneoh Chee-Boon twiddled the keys to say:
> Hello,   I already tested by using telnet. I found that CGI->header works fine,
> it sends two line
> of "Set-Cookie". Apache->header_out doesn't work, if I call it twice, only the
> second
> cookie is sent in one "Set-Cookie" line. So I wonder is it because I'm not
> familiar with
> the methods in Apache module, i.e. I miss out something, or Apache->header_out
> does
> not support this?

   $r->headers_out->add( 'Set-Cookie' => $cookie );

Rick Myers                            [EMAIL PROTECTED]
The Feynman Problem       1) Write down the problem.
Solving Algorithm         2) Think real hard.
                          3) Write down the answer.

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