We're attempting to implement Embperl on an already-existing, relatively large
website whose HTML writers/users number well over 400. We're finding that a
large minority of documents already have the left square bracket followed by
one of the special characters (+-*#$!) within them, obviously not intended to
be interpreted as perl code.

I'd like to suggest that Embperl be configurable (at worst during compile
time, at best in apache run-time configuration files) with respect to what
characters are used to mark the beginning and end of Embperl. For instance,
I'd like to be able to use HTML comments instead of square brackets:

<!--+ $a +-->

I do see in the documentation that "Embperl does not use SGML comments (i.e.,
<! ... !> or similar things) because some HTML editors can't create them, or
it's much more complicated. Since every HTML editor takes (or should take) `['
and `]' as normal text, there should be no problem." I suppose there are
multiple sides to every problem, which speaks more to the idea that the code
wrapper text should be configurable.

Better still, would be the ability to configure from a single +, which is very
common in existing HTML documents, to another character set: perhaps
double-plus, perhaps EVAL-OUT.


Finally, what is the value with having the closing bracket be preceded by one
of the special characters? Why not just have the opening character(s)? Is that
not enough to determine how to deal with the ensuing perl code?

<!--EVAL-OUT $a -->


Christian Gilmore
Senior Technical Staff Member
AT&T Labs IP Technology, Florham Park

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