"Miguel A.L. Paraz" wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm trying out Apache::Session for the first time, with this bit of code
> adapted from the manual:

> But when I run this script, inside the /perl directory handled by
> Apache::Registry, the httpd process dies, and error_log reports:
> [Sun Oct 17 21:40:06 1999] [error]      (in cleanup) DBD::Pg::st execute failed: 
>ERROR:  parser: parse error at or near ""

This is because the DBIStore insert the encoded session data as
binary data. PostgreSQL doesn't like that. You have to modify
Apache::Session::DBIStore (or better implement a PGStore) 
to uuencode the session data. You can use for that MIME::Base64
or better yet

pack( "u*" ) and unpack ( "u*" ).

I have a Apache::Session::DBIUUStore that does just that
and that I use for similar reason. I also added a last_update
field to the table which tracks the last update to the session
data. Email me if you want it. (Available on perl licensing terms)

Hope this helps.

Francis J. Lacoste                   iNsu Innovations Inc.      
Vice-Président développement          Tél.: (514) 336-5544
[EMAIL PROTECTED]              Fax.: (514) 336-8128

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