
  Has anyone been success with getting authDBI and FakeBasicAuth to

  I'm trying to get the two to work together but I just end up with a
browser authentication dialogue box and no error whatsoever in the logs.

  I've got the following scenarios to work:
     non-SSL site with plain htpasswd basic authentication
     non-SSL site with authDBI basic authentication with MySQL
     SSL-enabled site with plain htpasswd basic authentication with

  However, FakeBasicAuth and authDBI doesn't seem to do what it's supposed

   These are the directives that I'm using that work in the non-SSL site but
don't with with the SSL site.

        <Location /blah.html>
                AuthName Test
                AuthType Basic
                SetHandler perl-script
                PerlAuthenHandler       Apache::AuthDBI::authen
                PerlAuthzHandler        Apache::AuthDBI::authz
                PerlSetVar      Auth_DBI_data_source    dbi:mysql:db
                PerlSetVar      Auth_DBI_username       root
                PerlSetVar      Auth_DBI_password       blah
                PerlSetVar      Auth_DBI_pwd_table      users
                PerlSetVar      Auth_DBI_uid_field      username
                PerlSetVar      Auth_DBI_pwd_field      password
                PerlSetVar      Auth_DBI_grp_field      groupname
                require valid-user
                PerlSendHeader On

  So has anyone gotten something like this to work?

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