.. i think this needs to be:
         $ENV{EMBPERL_SESSION_CLASSES} = "DBIStore SysVSemaphoreLocker"
         $ENV{EMBPERL_SESSION_ARGS}    = "DataSource=dbi:mysql:session
UserName=test" ;
         use Apache::Session::Embperl ;
         use HTML::Embperl ;

.. otherwise the 'use' statements get evaluated before the environment
variables have been set.

.. also some mention of the fact that the new Apache::Session is setup
in a TOTALLY different way from the old version. I never read the
Apache::Session docs since I used it as part of Embperl and never on its
own.  It took me a few minutes to realize that I had to use the keyword
FileStore and pick a locking class, as well as use the keyword Directory
in the ARGS.  Since I have never used any of the DBI stuff I ignored the
example args and did not notice that they were any different than the
ones used at 0.17.

cliff rayman

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