I have problems with Apache::Roaming. 'make test' always shows:

> Skip ./blib/lib/Apache/Roaming/LiPrefs/Config.pm (unchanged)
> Skip ./blib/lib/Bundle/Apache/Roaming.pm (unchanged)
> Skip ./blib/lib/Apache/Roaming/LiPrefs.pm (unchanged)
> Skip ./blib/lib/Apache/Roaming.pm (unchanged)
> PERL_DL_NONLAZY=1 /usr/local/bin/perl -I./blib/arch -I./blib/lib 
>-I/usr/lib/perl5/i386-linux/5.004 -I/usr/lib/perl5 -e 'use Test::Harness qw(&runtests 
>$verbose); $verbose=0; runtests @ARGV;' t/*.t
> t/01base............ok
> t/10methods.........httpd: [Sun Oct 24 17:50:00 1999] [error] Can't load 
>'/usr/local/lib/site_perl/i386-linux/auto/Apache/Apache.so' for module Apache: 
>/usr/local/lib/site_perl/i386-linux/auto/Apache/Apache.so: undefined symbol: 
>mod_perl_set_opmask at /usr/lib/perl5/i386-linux/5.004/DynaLoader.pm line 166.
>  at /usr/local/lib/site_perl/mod_perl.pm line 14
> Read on closed filehandle <GEN1> at t/10methods.t line 46.
> Use of uninitialized value at t/10methods.t line 49.
> Read on closed filehandle <GEN3> at t/10methods.t line 46.
> Use of uninitialized value at t/10methods.t line 49.
> FAILED tests 3-7, 9-13, 15-16, 18-19, 21, 23-24, 27, 29-30, 33, 36
>         Failed 22/37 tests, 40.54% okay
> t/20liprefs.........httpd: [Sun Oct 24 17:50:11 1999] [error] Can't load 
>'/usr/local/lib/site_perl/i386-linux/auto/Apache/Apache.so' for module Apache: 
>/usr/local/lib/site_perl/i386-linux/auto/Apache/Apache.so: undefined symbol: 
>mod_perl_set_opmask at /usr/lib/perl5/i386-linux/5.004/DynaLoader.pm line 166.
>  at /usr/local/lib/site_perl/mod_perl.pm line 14
> Read on closed filehandle <GEN1> at t/20liprefs.t line 46.
> Use of uninitialized value at t/20liprefs.t line 49.
> Read on closed filehandle <GEN3> at t/20liprefs.t line 46.
> Use of uninitialized value at t/20liprefs.t line 49.
> FAILED tests 3-7, 9-13, 15-16, 18-19, 21, 23-24, 27, 29-30, 33, 36, 39
>         Failed 23/39 tests, 41.03% okay
> Failed Test  Status Wstat Total Fail  Failed  List of failed
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> t/10methods.t                37   22  59.46%  3-7, 9-13, 15-16, 18-19, 21, 23-
>                                               24, 27, 29-30, 33, 36
> t/20liprefs.t                39   23  58.97%  3-7, 9-13, 15-16, 18-19, 21, 23-
>                                               24, 27, 29-30, 33, 36, 39
> Failed 2/3 test scripts, 33.33% okay. 45/78 subtests failed, 42.31% okay.
> make: *** [test_dynamic] Error 29

I've installed mod_perl-1.21 and apache_1.3.4. Both work fine (at least a 'make
test' for mod_perl doesn't produce any errors).

Was does that error mean? Please help...

Ortwin Gentz
equinux Informationstechnologien 
Gabelsbergerstr. 30 
80333 MŸnchen - Germany 
Tel. 089/520465-0 
Fax. 089/520465-299 

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