According to [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
> I still have resisted the squid layer (dumb
> stubbornness I think), and instead got myself another IP address on the
> same interface card, bound the smallest most light weight separate
> apache to it that I could make, and prefixed all image requests with 
> voila. that was the single biggest jump in throughput
> that I discovered.

You still have another easy jump, using either squid or the two-apache
approach.  Include mod_proxy and mod_rewrite in your lightweight
front end, and use something like:
RewriteRule     ^/images/(.*)$ - [L] 
to make the front-end deliver static files directly, and
at the end:
RewriteRule    ^(.*)$$1 [p] 
to pass the rest to your mod_perl httpd, moved to port 8080.
If possible with your content turn off authentication in
the front end server.

>.. people were connecting to the site via this link, and packet loss
> was such that retransmits and tcp stalls were keeping httpd heavies
> around for much longer than normal..

Note that with a proxy, this only keeps a lightweight httpd tied up,
assuming the page is small enough to fit in the buffers.  If you
are a busy internet site you always have some slow clients.  This
is a difficult thing to simulate in benchmark testing, though.
> comments or corrections most welcome.. i freely admit to not having
> enough time to read the archives of this group before posting.

I probably won't be the only one to mention this, but you might have
a lot more time if you had, or at least gone through the guide
at which covers most of the problems.

  Les Mikesell

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